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The world of Khatun

The greatest city south of the Emerald Mountains

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Khatun - History

Welcome to the city of Khatun, where you can get anything you want - for an appropriate price. The city was once one of the most important cities in the Kingdom of Golorion and ruled by the first prince, Grego of Eisening. Founded over 200 years ago in the then newly conquered southern lands of Medearim behind the Emerald Mountains, did Kathun first serve as a military toe-hold that later developed into a major trade city within the Kingdom. But when the king died and his son Grego traveled to the capital city of Golorion to take the throne, he was murdered by noble conspirators. The struggle for the throne left the entire kingdom mired in a bloody war of succession, and the distant city of Kathun was literally cut off from the empire. Also without a legitimate ruler, various individuals, and alliances tried to gain power in Khatun in the following decades - but no one succeeded. Without any legal oversight, violence and all sorts of illegal activities thrived in Khatun. Today so called Supremos share the rule over parts of the city, its inhabitants and the surrounding countryside and they maintain a fragile balance among themselves that prevents any of them to become the sole ruler. And so Khatun combines at the present day multiple extrems from rich enclaves to violent and poor slums - and inbetween the redlamp district.

Inhabitants of Khatun

Shortly after its foundation at the Adamant river delta, the inhabitants of Khatun were mainly knights and civilians from the main lands of Golorion. But over the years the city grew into a trade city and brought many local Medearim for the big market, dwarfs of the Draxolosch and Romdrak clans for the silver and gemstones and Elves for the handicraft and magic into the city. Especially after gemstones were found near the river and digging for them begun at the Emerald moutains a second wave of new people were welcomed in Khatun. Soon it was the most diverse city in regards to its population and some groundbreaking laws were put in place by prince Grego, to ensure the equal participation of each race in Khatun. The establishment of the Academy of Magic, the foundation of the free library and the important trade deal with the union of smaller cities in Medearim were important steps that brought more people from all over the country to the city.

But after the fall of Kingdom Golorion and the subsequent chaos throughout the empire more and more refugees arrived in Khatun - more than it could bare. And so slums began to form around the city wall that are still present today, more after 25 sun cycles after the fall of the Kingdom.

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Image by Linus Sandvide

The Underworld of Khatun

Build upon the long-gone settlement of Medearim tribes and the first military outpost, there are still unexplored areas beneath the city of Khatum. Even with a lot of activity at every corner in broad daylight, many of the secretive orders and circles still have their basis of operation at an undisclosed underground location.


There is literally no category of former illegal acitivy that can't be found in Khatun. But today there is no law inforcement if not one of the supremoes sends his troops and then the truth is never the main issue.

For some years the supremoes didn't show a lot of interest for those acitvities but recently five factions started to recognize the value of courtesans and here our story begins...

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